A Qualified and Skilled Professional researcher with thirty years’ experience including employment at the Essex Record Office, experienced in local knowledge, born and based in Essex.
I enjoy researching family histories, house histories and can suggest sources you may not be aware of. Other research undertaken with alacrity.
I am happy to answer any questions or concerns about the scope of your request. No set packages unless this suits you, I prefer to work to an hourly rate, two hours at first, until you are satisfied with the results.
I am a full member of the Association of Genealogical Researchers in Archives A.G.R.A.
I can supply terms and conditions at the outset if required.
In 2013 my fees are fifteen pounds an hour, they rise each April but not for established clients. Overseas clients are welcome, PayPal and other currency cheques accepted.
Mrs Glynis Morris
Email: essexresearch@btopenworld.com
56 Armond Road, Witham, Essex, CM8 2HA Tel: 44 1376 516315